97 Final $7.7 Plant Sale Final Notice: this will be the last spring sale of 2022. Nursery must shift from selling plants to growing for next year. 2,145 plants, 300+varieties of perennials and shrubs must be sold before 6pm Saturday, for only $7.97ea. Choose from: Lavender, Boxwood, Astilbe, Barberry, Iris, Daylily, Hosta, Lilac(22varieties!), ButterflyBush, Lupine CardinalFlower, Lily, MockOrange, PurpleConeflower, Dianthus, Foxglove, Sedum, BlackEyedSusan, MiniRose, Heuchera, We're often told, "I saw your ad last year, but didnt get here in time. I wish I had!' Don't let that happen to you; get here by 6pm Saturday! Forsythia, BeeBalm, Weigela, BalloonFlower, TallPhlox, Hydrangea, Supplies are Limited! RedTwigDogwood, Spirea, BleedingHeart, Viburnum, CreepingPhlox, Willow+tons more: $7.97ea. $9.97 BerryBushes: black-, blue-, rasp-, goose-, elder- $24.97 Apple & Peach trees; ornamental Weeping Cherry Brace Land Nursery 376 Pond Hill Mt Rd, Wapwallopen Friday & Saturday June 17&18, 9am-6pm Closed Sunday BraceLandNursery.weebly.com We'll recycle your old pots! 97 Final $ 7.7 Plant Sale Final Notice : this will be the last spring sale of 2022 . Nursery must shift from selling plants to growing for next year . 2,145 plants , 300 + varieties of perennials and shrubs must be sold before 6pm Saturday , for only $ 7.97ea . Choose from : Lavender , Boxwood , Astilbe , Barberry , Iris , Daylily , Hosta , Lilac ( 22varieties ! ) , ButterflyBush , Lupine CardinalFlower , Lily , MockOrange , PurpleConeflower , Dianthus , Foxglove , Sedum , BlackEyedSusan , MiniRose , Heuchera , We're often told , " I saw your ad last year , but didnt get here in time . I wish I had ! ' Don't let that happen to you ; get here by 6pm Saturday ! Forsythia , BeeBalm , Weigela , BalloonFlower , TallPhlox , Hydrangea , Supplies are Limited ! RedTwigDogwood , Spirea , BleedingHeart , Viburnum , CreepingPhlox , Willow + tons more : $ 7.97ea . $ 9.97 BerryBushes : black- , blue- , rasp- , goose- , elder $ 24.97 Apple & Peach trees ; ornamental Weeping Cherry Brace Land Nursery 376 Pond Hill Mt Rd , Wapwallopen Friday & Saturday June 17 & 18 , 9 am-6pm Closed Sunday BraceLandNursery.weebly.com We'll recycle your old pots !