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  • Published Date

    April 17, 2019
    This ad was originally published on this date and may contain an offer that is no longer valid. To learn more about this business and its most recent offers, click here.

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OWN MELTDA End-of-Season Clearance * Showroom Displays Burn Model Displays Excess Inventory Clearance Huge Savings $$$ . All with full manufacturer's warranty. . Wood, coal, gas, wood pellet & oil stoves or fireplace systems. All sold on first come, first served basis. 1/2 TON OF WOOD PELLETS FREE WITH PURCHASE OF ANY PELLET STOVE IN STOCK EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS IREPLACE TRORDINAIR AVALON Firvsryles fr Lie Up to 25% OFF All Fireplace Accessories in Stock to 25% OFF All Chimneys, Pipe, and Vent Systems with Stove Purchases Via This Sale with This Ad. SALE ENDS APRIL 30TH 0.1 Tamaqua (570) 386-5656 2 miles south of Tamaqua, on Route 309 Mon.-Thurs. 10-6; Fri. 10-8; Sat. 10-4; Closed Sunday Stroudsburg (570) 424-2421 Rt. 611 11/2 miles north of Stroud Mall, next to AAA Mon.-Thurs. 10-6; Fri. 10-8; Sat. 10-4; Closed Sunday Emmaus (610) 966-2271 On the auto mile (1 mile off Lehigh St., south exit of Rt. 78, across from South Mall) Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 10-6; Thurs. 10-8; Sat. 10-4; Closed Sunday WE DELIVER WARMTH Stoves n