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  • Published Date

    May 10, 2022
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The McCarthy Group Celebrates! Sud l- Carthy BOKAY 70 th Anniversary Bud McCarthy Delivers Love, since 1952 On May 1, 1952, Bud McCarthy opened McCarthy he reverue makes tway back to Lackawanna MoCarmy Flowers has orchestrated Wedding Fewers at 1418 Electric St in Dunmore with a County, where the corporate offices are kocated Flower budgets in encess of S200.000 per event, S5,000 koan trom his Aunt Aena Kraft. Bad grew n Lackawanna County, we are proud to own and been tapped to do some of the largest foral up helping McCntock lorst across the stet McCintocks, Whites. Remicks, Hrinka's phone events in the country and after serving in the US Amy, ned Creedons ines and deliver beaut hand crafted fora ONE OROER at a TIME" remains he mantra. Fwers as a foral designer. Bud was a tuly 7 days a week One of the best benefts of the no mater how complicated. Bud MCarthy was creative and taerted for designer, who gained oticat mans grown for McCarty Flowers is a huntie man whe createda vision with the the attention of Lackawarna Counity in shortorder hat fowers come drectly to the Lackawana basics, and he never anticipated he and hs wite Nis tather. Ernest jined him to help with he stores by eter tucks several times a week, with Nancy would be honored by his foral colleagues Dusiness side, and his mother Sophie, and Aunt e wholesaler markups, or delayed treshness in Hawal in 2005 prodaiming McCarhy Flowers Ara, helped wi corsages and bow making McCarty's began drect flower importing n te brpest retal forist in the country He was a McCarthy Flowers became a true tamily business 1981, and have established tasting reationships tands on perfectionist a true foral artist, and from its inoeption, and his tather worked every with the tarns around the dope. Bud insisted most importanty never late with a bi, ever. In 70 day tor 23 consecutive years to help keep Bud on paying bits betore ther due date and that consecutive years, he McCarty Family continue in ine. Ha son, Brian, was a foture at he fower mains tue to ma day When certain fowers get tollow hs lead, and "ONE ORDER at a TIME shop after school, on Saturday and holidiayn scarce, McCarthy Flowers seems to pet hem. enans our masion later joined by hs very terted daughter Linda was never more valule than today as coly McCarthy Flynn his delightul wite Nancy, Brian's chain ises have plagued the fower industry wite, Er and MeCarty Flowers continued tn celebration of a 0 year wd rde, McCarthy tourish, despite Bud wanting to keep it amal and maragrable In the last 20 years, McCarthy Fowers advanced President and Meghan McCarty is Meda o he natonal stage buying fower shops in director. Remenbering the old days with Bud and twelve states, and becoming America's largest Emest, they would speak of Amings Flowers in Retail Florist. With over 13,000 forists in the US. Chicago, then the targest florist in the country McCarthy Flowers remains the largest volume and Lehrers in Denver the thed argest foriat operation with 450 tu time employees and 25 They never dreamed tat today hey would orere locations. The best part of the story is hat al own hose companies. Over the last decade, Flowers ia thriled to have the fourth generation Tunning the operatione Kevin McCarty is pot Fo n Mony e A Anna Kraft Ernest & Sophie McCarthy Bud & Nancy McCarthy McCarthy Group B belovedaunt who aned Bus parenta. Emest worted every him he $5.000 seed money to day fom -197S handing al M ee open May T, 19, and work w booheor, hee of charge Soph he shop making conapes bows he her sister Anna, made conages m Cym o and delcate designe from 192 1961, tee of charg Fromorght a ww gandion, mng him bows and dcate wok fo genertion Pret dn ng Chvstan and Ki Wetha w et Meghan MCay VPor OgaMarkeing Kan Kened and onOv eghans fance Oectorof ve and Bran, CEO and n MCay R 12 - 196R fee of charge bto nn w eihe erce M ungeg MCCARTHY REMICK FLOWERS 545 Northern Blvd., Chinchilla 570-587-8787 1001 N. Main Ave., Scranton 1225 Pittston Ave., Scranton 570-347-4747 570-343-1179 www.mocarthyflowers.com The McCarthy Group Celebrates! Sud l- Carthy BOKAY 70 th Anniversary Bud McCarthy Delivers Love, since 1952 On May 1, 1952, Bud McCarthy opened McCarthy he reverue makes tway back to Lackawanna MoCarmy Flowers has orchestrated Wedding Fewers at 1418 Electric St in Dunmore with a County, where the corporate offices are kocated Flower budgets in encess of S200.000 per event, S5,000 koan trom his Aunt Aena Kraft. Bad grew n Lackawanna County, we are proud to own and been tapped to do some of the largest foral up helping McCntock lorst across the stet McCintocks, Whites. Remicks, Hrinka's phone events in the country and after serving in the US Amy, ned Creedons ines and deliver beaut hand crafted fora ONE OROER at a TIME" remains he mantra. Fwers as a foral designer. Bud was a tuly 7 days a week One of the best benefts of the no mater how complicated. Bud MCarthy was creative and taerted for designer, who gained oticat mans grown for McCarty Flowers is a huntie man whe createda vision with the the attention of Lackawarna Counity in shortorder hat fowers come drectly to the Lackawana basics, and he never anticipated he and hs wite Nis tather. Ernest jined him to help with he stores by eter tucks several times a week, with Nancy would be honored by his foral colleagues Dusiness side, and his mother Sophie, and Aunt e wholesaler markups, or delayed treshness in Hawal in 2005 prodaiming McCarhy Flowers Ara, helped wi corsages and bow making McCarty's began drect flower importing n te brpest retal forist in the country He was a McCarthy Flowers became a true tamily business 1981, and have established tasting reationships tands on perfectionist a true foral artist, and from its inoeption, and his tather worked every with the tarns around the dope. Bud insisted most importanty never late with a bi, ever. In 70 day tor 23 consecutive years to help keep Bud on paying bits betore ther due date and that consecutive years, he McCarty Family continue in ine. Ha son, Brian, was a foture at he fower mains tue to ma day When certain fowers get tollow hs lead, and "ONE ORDER at a TIME shop after school, on Saturday and holidiayn scarce, McCarthy Flowers seems to pet hem. enans our masion later joined by hs very terted daughter Linda was never more valule than today as coly McCarthy Flynn his delightul wite Nancy, Brian's chain ises have plagued the fower industry wite, Er and MeCarty Flowers continued tn celebration of a 0 year wd rde, McCarthy tourish, despite Bud wanting to keep it amal and maragrable In the last 20 years, McCarthy Fowers advanced President and Meghan McCarty is Meda o he natonal stage buying fower shops in director. Remenbering the old days with Bud and twelve states, and becoming America's largest Emest, they would speak of Amings Flowers in Retail Florist. With over 13,000 forists in the US. Chicago, then the targest florist in the country McCarthy Flowers remains the largest volume and Lehrers in Denver the thed argest foriat operation with 450 tu time employees and 25 They never dreamed tat today hey would orere locations. The best part of the story is hat al own hose companies. Over the last decade, Flowers ia thriled to have the fourth generation Tunning the operatione Kevin McCarty is pot Fo n Mony e A Anna Kraft Ernest & Sophie McCarthy Bud & Nancy McCarthy McCarthy Group B belovedaunt who aned Bus parenta. Emest worted every him he $5.000 seed money to day fom -197S handing al M ee open May T, 19, and work w booheor, hee of charge Soph he shop making conapes bows he her sister Anna, made conages m Cym o and delcate designe from 192 1961, tee of charg Fromorght a ww gandion, mng him bows and dcate wok fo genertion Pret dn ng Chvstan and Ki Wetha w et Meghan MCay VPor OgaMarkeing Kan Kened and onOv eghans fance Oectorof ve and Bran, CEO and n MCay R 12 - 196R fee of charge bto nn w eihe erce M ungeg MCCARTHY REMICK FLOWERS 545 Northern Blvd., Chinchilla 570-587-8787 1001 N. Main Ave., Scranton 1225 Pittston Ave., Scranton 570-347-4747 570-343-1179 www.mocarthyflowers.com