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  • Published Date

    February 14, 2020
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Fidelity BANK Being the Best Bank for Our Community At Fideity Bank, we believe in starding united with a shared vision - to help strengthen our communities and make them better placns to live, work, play and pray. That's wty se take great pride in supporting local cases through charitable giving. We strive to be the BEST BANK for our community to prosper. Because of your support and fath in us, our strong growth in eamings has erabled s to give back over $1.5 milon over the last four years in philanthropic contributions From scholarhip programs to education initiatives, sporsorshios, donations and in-kind activities beneftting local organization, these dollars have heped improve the communities in which Fidelity Bank operates In 2019, through our Volurteer Time of Program, our barkers donated over 2,s hours voluntrering in schools and neighborhood, partnering with local groups and serving on boards, too. Through this initiative, the Bark provides each enployee a block of hours to donate back to the community during work hourt While some things may change at Fidelity Bank, one thing will remsain the same - our belief that we help others prope, we prosper, too. Forbes2018 Forbes 2019 BEST-IN-STATE BANKS .o Maryd Powered by STATISTA Fidelity BANK Vision Statement We are passionate about success and committed to building strong relationships through superior client experiences. We will be the best bank for our barkers to work, our clents to bank, our shareholders to invest, and for our community to prosper. Over $718,100 donated in 2019 2019 AMERICAN BANKER READERS TOP 200 CHOICE COMMUNITY BANKS 2019 Scvt bankatfidelity.com 570342.8281 800.388430 in A Ce L Fidelity BANK Being the Best Bank for Our Community At Fideity Bank, we believe in starding united with a shared vision - to help strengthen our communities and make them better placns to live, work, play and pray. That's wty se take great pride in supporting local cases through charitable giving. We strive to be the BEST BANK for our community to prosper. Because of your support and fath in us, our strong growth in eamings has erabled s to give back over $1.5 milon over the last four years in philanthropic contributions From scholarhip programs to education initiatives, sporsorshios, donations and in-kind activities beneftting local organization, these dollars have heped improve the communities in which Fidelity Bank operates In 2019, through our Volurteer Time of Program, our barkers donated over 2,s hours voluntrering in schools and neighborhood, partnering with local groups and serving on boards, too. Through this initiative, the Bark provides each enployee a block of hours to donate back to the community during work hourt While some things may change at Fidelity Bank, one thing will remsain the same - our belief that we help others prope, we prosper, too. Forbes2018 Forbes 2019 BEST-IN-STATE BANKS .o Maryd Powered by STATISTA Fidelity BANK Vision Statement We are passionate about success and committed to building strong relationships through superior client experiences. We will be the best bank for our barkers to work, our clents to bank, our shareholders to invest, and for our community to prosper. Over $718,100 donated in 2019 2019 AMERICAN BANKER READERS TOP 200 CHOICE COMMUNITY BANKS 2019 Scvt bankatfidelity.com 570342.8281 800.388430 in A Ce L