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    June 21, 2019
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"Save On IT PAYS TO BELONG TO AAA! Summer Fun!" Schuylkill County Gate Member SAVE Gate Member SAVES Member SAVES Gate Collonial Willamburg Willamsburg Adt Da Cad 17 Day PENNSYLVANIA The Crayola Experience Easton Ages 3 and up Three Park Ticket-3 Visits SeaWod Oando or Busch Gardens Tampa or Agutica Orlando or Adentre slandt mpa Ags 3 and 3day adn p All day dine for $50 s4099 $37.99 $300 s1 699 ss00 s2045 $19.00 $1.496 s182 74 $121.99 5075Adua Da 1182 24 5113.99 56825 Child 610 0ay s099 $47.49 51500 s25 49 $2400 51.49 oVindi Sclence Center Allentown Adnission for ages 3 S1495 513.50 $145 S17199 America's isteric Triangle s615 $4299 s18 Chose your Adventure-Uslimited Viaits S2500 Dorney Park Allentows Ages 3 and vp Dscount parking Dutch onderland Lancaster mited its to any 4paks for up to 14 days romolonia Wllabugtownotow 7 Consective Days S1850 56.50 udes unlin $100 00 $9400 56.00 $4500 $43.00 $2.00 s4 24 099 s11.2s Adut Age 1 and p Child 1 All ages s4599 $3899 ST00 Aance Prdhe s mt e ter more dnn ano Kings Dominion Doswe Franklin Institute Philadelphias $23.00 $17.99 ss01 Univeral 1-Day Park-to-Park Adut (Ayime $1881 Adut gular) $341 Adut 00l $2581 Child -0(Anyie Chid 0Rega Chld 0Vale Ages 361 and ove 48 $68.004 S36.59 $31.01 1-day admiion 0235 $19299 59.36 OTHER AREA ATTRACTIONS 9 7 18299 sa7 Mershey Park Hershey $5099 $41.99 $4199 Biltmere Estate Asheville, NC child (0/Senion $17299 sa.04 S47.80 s980 9703 $18799 04Aduta 38 $1779 sa a9 Child (10 1 17573 516799 57.74 Dellywead Pigeen Forge, Tennessee s649 $4.56 $3245 $399 $3.46 AMA Days n560019 Knoebels tlysburg Book of S5 Tickets Adut s075 Universal 2-Day Park-to-Park Adult Child S105 $72.99 50.06 6845 589 3468 ss00 425 S3084 $27499 533.85 |Child 41x s 526399 S3420 Selash Ceuntry igeen Ferge Tennessee Lehigh Valley Zoo scheeckswille 1-Ocober 31, 20 Adut S1300 1149 $1.51 Universal 2-Day Park-to-Park Vokano Bay 55605 $4699 30 s5045 $41.9 s46 S151 Adt Chad0 S367 42 532499 S4243 |Cd 411 S356 37 $31399 542.78 chld S11.00 53.49 tongwsod Gardens Phladelphia AduSenior Renaissance FaireCeltk $6 $2300 $9.99 ston Univenal 3-Day Park-to-Park $34612 5291.9 s54 11 AMC THEATRES TICKETS 547 28299 s524 owi Adult Child 2.4Univeral3-Day Park-to-Park+Welcane Bay Adut od 54.94 Comwall ot valid in N NY or CAS3050 sa90 51.51 C511 Philadelphia Zoe Philadely Ages 2 and up esame MaceLangher s am1100 ne ay Non-rea Tlet e1782I - o day ticlet with meal voucher 4 1201 S11.95 950 $404 0 $34099 63.71 3545 $331.99 62AMC Sll Popco 5450 S325 5125 524 95 $1998 ersal 4-Day Park-toPark Adut 09 30299 $ss.10 REGAL CINEMAS TICKETS 35 44 529499 556.45 Unbricded oa0 $351 m $13.00 $949 niversal 4-Day Park-to-Park + Welcane Bay Adut mate Pa $35.50 $2749 S8.01 4132 36099 sio 4267 3519 s68.68OTHER AREA SAVINGS S%45 56699 S9.46 Chld 0 Univeral 5-Day Park-to-Park Adt Prome od 0 Prom 56269 versal 5-Day Park t-Park+Velcano Bay S $2499 sELGIFT CARDS $36742 $26399 143 Teetime Gold Pass FLORIDA r3Day Base Ticket Adult chad0 5995 $5495 55.00 5502 6$439 99 37 $425 99 S60.38 Pone $4575 32499 1 eah 447 30 53139 s111TGI fridays S101 s301 $25 00 $2299 $2.01 $2.01 $22.99 52.01 52.01 52.01 125 00 s219 Chld 0 romo 12500 s21.99 Diuney 4-Duy Base Ticket Adult Applebee's Boscovs Gap Cracker Barel Darden Macy's Outback Carrabbas Chils On the Boeder 125.00 Bed Bath and Beyond 525.00 Bath and Body Works 12500 Cabelas Kohis Panera Bread Wendy's Weis Giant 562409 $548.99 575.19 07 $528.99 57380 Prome tickets effective 3/15/19 125.00 $25.00 $2299 wse by 12/20/19 nat valid in July Disney 5-Day Base Ticket Adut 632.61 099 S71.62 561131 53 1 MARYLAND 125004 125.00 $2299 $22.99 Baltimere Aquarium Baltimare $25.00 $2299 $201 Diuney 3-Duy Park Nopper Adult Oid 13- Adut 5577 23 509.99 567.24hld (11) S561 26 $494.99 566 22epior Diney 4-Day Park Hoppe $63399 575 52 adut $9.5 $31.99 55.96 95 $2499 $496 125.00 $22.99 $2.01 S2299 52.01 349 $2999 $496 2150 $23.99 $1.01 S25.00 $239951.01 S101 51.50 Maryland Zoo Baltimere Adult Old (3- S70929 19.00 $1299 6.0 $1500099$4.01 $16.00 $11.99 $.0 41399 574.00 Chld 011 Child -11) 5687 99 s2s.00 $2199 $25.00 $2399 Diuney 5-Day Park Hopper Adult Chid 3 S1.01 571781 542899 588.82 5651 0999 S652 NEW JERSEY 5101 $3.01 125.00 $2399 s10000 5699 Adventure Aquarium Camdens Diuney3 day PH Park Hopper Plus Option Aduls $100 00 596.99 53.01 S59853 552999 568.54 Adut S58256 $51399 56857 Cd 012 34.11 $2299 511.12 Boyer's 12558 S1849 57.09 s100.00 699 s10 Cld (3- Diggerland West Berlin It's Affordable Diuney-4 day PH, Park Hopper Plus Option Aduls Chld 0- 50 $2899S1251 5730 59 $65399 $7660 Over S09.19 43499 $4.3 Merey's Pier Wdweod & Magical! Diuney-5 day PH Park Hopper Pus Option Adut Chd B We offer a 3-10 day Dioney ticket with ueveral Cild under options-sop is or call the office and one AL DY te s dsandw $7911 1643 9 571781 563099 682 AdCombo 12ethe norepa e n a dif dyyo Walt Disney World. Tickets at AAA Schuylkill County s85 $65.99 $1382 S14.10 Combo $64.09 $499 S99S11.93 $57.9 Amunement only ame Day Ride & Park $495 Six Flags Great Adventure Jackson Ags 2 and u ouer 54l $899 Our sidet ombinons n30 days aagat eenbers oly dscouted grios Enjy Pe eedom nd Sevty ef onmidng sacho our sdet s6.6 Sea World Parks and tntertainment Orlando and Tampa Sea World Orlando-One Day $46.99 125.00 S2050 $450 $35.00 Visit our office at 58 50 Diount Parking Pss 597 99 3a adn purch $10649 87.99 $1858 340 S. CENTRE ST, POTTSVILLE, PA CANADA Niagara Falls Adventure Pass Adut $1592 Chd -12) One Day wiAll Day Dine Ages 3 and up $12649 $11899 57.50 MAGIC VOURWAY 68.0$099 $702 4499 $4099 54.00 Basch Gardens, tampa One Day Ages 3 and up $11391 $97 99 ay dneprchse s11391 87.99 $2592 VIRGINIA S13234 $10799 s2435Busch Gadens Waambrg Adut Child arking Pas One Day wAll Day Dine Ages 3 and up wo Park Ticket-2Visits Seuorld, Orlando or Bunch Gardem, tampa or Aquabica Orlando ar Adventure hland, Tampa Age 3 and vo 3-ay adn purdse S161 24 98.99 56225 Ages 3 and up All day dine for $35 BASIC s8499 $6299 s22.00 $749 $53.99 $21.00 120.00 $650 $350 S16124 $10699 s5425 sch Gardenswd Water Kingdom-3 Day Flex S19 99 $7699 $43.00 00 650 3.50 Membership $49 Paing Pass S141.99 NOTE: TICKETS AND GIFT CARDS MUST BE PURCHASED AT AAA SCHUYLKILL COUNTY 340 S. CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, PA SUMMER 2019 arvces xtcmeinto ths and ry sevice Ae nou s rooand office Nour Mar, t, h es y www.aaapa.com (570) 622-4991 "Save On IT PAYS TO BELONG TO AAA! Summer Fun!" Schuylkill County Gate Member SAVE Gate Member SAVES Member SAVES Gate Collonial Willamburg Willamsburg Adt Da Cad 17 Day PENNSYLVANIA The Crayola Experience Easton Ages 3 and up Three Park Ticket-3 Visits SeaWod Oando or Busch Gardens Tampa or Agutica Orlando or Adentre slandt mpa Ags 3 and 3day adn p All day dine for $50 s4099 $37.99 $300 s1 699 ss00 s2045 $19.00 $1.496 s182 74 $121.99 5075Adua Da 1182 24 5113.99 56825 Child 610 0ay s099 $47.49 51500 s25 49 $2400 51.49 oVindi Sclence Center Allentown Adnission for ages 3 S1495 513.50 $145 S17199 America's isteric Triangle s615 $4299 s18 Chose your Adventure-Uslimited Viaits S2500 Dorney Park Allentows Ages 3 and vp Dscount parking Dutch onderland Lancaster mited its to any 4paks for up to 14 days romolonia Wllabugtownotow 7 Consective Days S1850 56.50 udes unlin $100 00 $9400 56.00 $4500 $43.00 $2.00 s4 24 099 s11.2s Adut Age 1 and p Child 1 All ages s4599 $3899 ST00 Aance Prdhe s mt e ter more dnn ano Kings Dominion Doswe Franklin Institute Philadelphias $23.00 $17.99 ss01 Univeral 1-Day Park-to-Park Adut (Ayime $1881 Adut gular) $341 Adut 00l $2581 Child -0(Anyie Chid 0Rega Chld 0Vale Ages 361 and ove 48 $68.004 S36.59 $31.01 1-day admiion 0235 $19299 59.36 OTHER AREA ATTRACTIONS 9 7 18299 sa7 Mershey Park Hershey $5099 $41.99 $4199 Biltmere Estate Asheville, NC child (0/Senion $17299 sa.04 S47.80 s980 9703 $18799 04Aduta 38 $1779 sa a9 Child (10 1 17573 516799 57.74 Dellywead Pigeen Forge, Tennessee s649 $4.56 $3245 $399 $3.46 AMA Days n560019 Knoebels tlysburg Book of S5 Tickets Adut s075 Universal 2-Day Park-to-Park Adult Child S105 $72.99 50.06 6845 589 3468 ss00 425 S3084 $27499 533.85 |Child 41x s 526399 S3420 Selash Ceuntry igeen Ferge Tennessee Lehigh Valley Zoo scheeckswille 1-Ocober 31, 20 Adut S1300 1149 $1.51 Universal 2-Day Park-to-Park Vokano Bay 55605 $4699 30 s5045 $41.9 s46 S151 Adt Chad0 S367 42 532499 S4243 |Cd 411 S356 37 $31399 542.78 chld S11.00 53.49 tongwsod Gardens Phladelphia AduSenior Renaissance FaireCeltk $6 $2300 $9.99 ston Univenal 3-Day Park-to-Park $34612 5291.9 s54 11 AMC THEATRES TICKETS 547 28299 s524 owi Adult Child 2.4Univeral3-Day Park-to-Park+Welcane Bay Adut od 54.94 Comwall ot valid in N NY or CAS3050 sa90 51.51 C511 Philadelphia Zoe Philadely Ages 2 and up esame MaceLangher s am1100 ne ay Non-rea Tlet e1782I - o day ticlet with meal voucher 4 1201 S11.95 950 $404 0 $34099 63.71 3545 $331.99 62AMC Sll Popco 5450 S325 5125 524 95 $1998 ersal 4-Day Park-toPark Adut 09 30299 $ss.10 REGAL CINEMAS TICKETS 35 44 529499 556.45 Unbricded oa0 $351 m $13.00 $949 niversal 4-Day Park-to-Park + Welcane Bay Adut mate Pa $35.50 $2749 S8.01 4132 36099 sio 4267 3519 s68.68OTHER AREA SAVINGS S%45 56699 S9.46 Chld 0 Univeral 5-Day Park-to-Park Adt Prome od 0 Prom 56269 versal 5-Day Park t-Park+Velcano Bay S $2499 sELGIFT CARDS $36742 $26399 143 Teetime Gold Pass FLORIDA r3Day Base Ticket Adult chad0 5995 $5495 55.00 5502 6$439 99 37 $425 99 S60.38 Pone $4575 32499 1 eah 447 30 53139 s111TGI fridays S101 s301 $25 00 $2299 $2.01 $2.01 $22.99 52.01 52.01 52.01 125 00 s219 Chld 0 romo 12500 s21.99 Diuney 4-Duy Base Ticket Adult Applebee's Boscovs Gap Cracker Barel Darden Macy's Outback Carrabbas Chils On the Boeder 125.00 Bed Bath and Beyond 525.00 Bath and Body Works 12500 Cabelas Kohis Panera Bread Wendy's Weis Giant 562409 $548.99 575.19 07 $528.99 57380 Prome tickets effective 3/15/19 125.00 $25.00 $2299 wse by 12/20/19 nat valid in July Disney 5-Day Base Ticket Adut 632.61 099 S71.62 561131 53 1 MARYLAND 125004 125.00 $2299 $22.99 Baltimere Aquarium Baltimare $25.00 $2299 $201 Diuney 3-Duy Park Nopper Adult Oid 13- Adut 5577 23 509.99 567.24hld (11) S561 26 $494.99 566 22epior Diney 4-Day Park Hoppe $63399 575 52 adut $9.5 $31.99 55.96 95 $2499 $496 125.00 $22.99 $2.01 S2299 52.01 349 $2999 $496 2150 $23.99 $1.01 S25.00 $239951.01 S101 51.50 Maryland Zoo Baltimere Adult Old (3- S70929 19.00 $1299 6.0 $1500099$4.01 $16.00 $11.99 $.0 41399 574.00 Chld 011 Child -11) 5687 99 s2s.00 $2199 $25.00 $2399 Diuney 5-Day Park Hopper Adult Chid 3 S1.01 571781 542899 588.82 5651 0999 S652 NEW JERSEY 5101 $3.01 125.00 $2399 s10000 5699 Adventure Aquarium Camdens Diuney3 day PH Park Hopper Plus Option Aduls $100 00 596.99 53.01 S59853 552999 568.54 Adut S58256 $51399 56857 Cd 012 34.11 $2299 511.12 Boyer's 12558 S1849 57.09 s100.00 699 s10 Cld (3- Diggerland West Berlin It's Affordable Diuney-4 day PH, Park Hopper Plus Option Aduls Chld 0- 50 $2899S1251 5730 59 $65399 $7660 Over S09.19 43499 $4.3 Merey's Pier Wdweod & Magical! Diuney-5 day PH Park Hopper Pus Option Adut Chd B We offer a 3-10 day Dioney ticket with ueveral Cild under options-sop is or call the office and one AL DY te s dsandw $7911 1643 9 571781 563099 682 AdCombo 12ethe norepa e n a dif dyyo Walt Disney World. Tickets at AAA Schuylkill County s85 $65.99 $1382 S14.10 Combo $64.09 $499 S99S11.93 $57.9 Amunement only ame Day Ride & Park $495 Six Flags Great Adventure Jackson Ags 2 and u ouer 54l $899 Our sidet ombinons n30 days aagat eenbers oly dscouted grios Enjy Pe eedom nd Sevty ef onmidng sacho our sdet s6.6 Sea World Parks and tntertainment Orlando and Tampa Sea World Orlando-One Day $46.99 125.00 S2050 $450 $35.00 Visit our office at 58 50 Diount Parking Pss 597 99 3a adn purch $10649 87.99 $1858 340 S. CENTRE ST, POTTSVILLE, PA CANADA Niagara Falls Adventure Pass Adut $1592 Chd -12) One Day wiAll Day Dine Ages 3 and up $12649 $11899 57.50 MAGIC VOURWAY 68.0$099 $702 4499 $4099 54.00 Basch Gardens, tampa One Day Ages 3 and up $11391 $97 99 ay dneprchse s11391 87.99 $2592 VIRGINIA S13234 $10799 s2435Busch Gadens Waambrg Adut Child arking Pas One Day wAll Day Dine Ages 3 and up wo Park Ticket-2Visits Seuorld, Orlando or Bunch Gardem, tampa or Aquabica Orlando ar Adventure hland, Tampa Age 3 and vo 3-ay adn purdse S161 24 98.99 56225 Ages 3 and up All day dine for $35 BASIC s8499 $6299 s22.00 $749 $53.99 $21.00 120.00 $650 $350 S16124 $10699 s5425 sch Gardenswd Water Kingdom-3 Day Flex S19 99 $7699 $43.00 00 650 3.50 Membership $49 Paing Pass S141.99 NOTE: TICKETS AND GIFT CARDS MUST BE PURCHASED AT AAA SCHUYLKILL COUNTY 340 S. CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, PA SUMMER 2019 arvces xtcmeinto ths and ry sevice Ae nou s rooand office Nour Mar, t, h es y www.aaapa.com (570) 622-4991