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  • Published Date

    June 20, 2019
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Celebrating 84 Years! GREATER HAZLETON CONCERT SERIES 2019-2020 Inc. THE FOUR ITALIAN TENORS Thurdas October 1a, 2019 D lThe n T perf ar anddg ofll g fwd and p he dac wih pm re dac hrir oe n be style Fng y drm tic ng ana rcatyl THE TEMPTATIONS REVIEW with Nate Evans Wdday Sept. 18, 2019 er & m ly d d al avhe h G TeW SIBERIAN STATE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Thuday, Februry 13 2020 nded is 197, he Se py ofai ks t f the US Te onchet cng fe Ra nd ale wak Condcted by mn V ie Landw e the wld aof the bee THE NATIONAL DANCE COMPANY OF SIBERIA Wedseday, Noey 20 2019 Sherin e Symp Lande be i msk decu and tor S and COOC Heords fo e asingn loits Chanber on hakky pgra dedi e N DCompany of Sher hw wldide wh thetr o and epn traon Fok nd vi rms the rmkable unp nd pts y de gem of detub in g fed ptod Ner l nd 0 danc Athntic cst odd THE DOOWO PROIECT Tunday March 24 2020 heg h th begiing igt of W e da dofspm singng SYNCO ROMANTICO Tday Apri 2, 20 Feteing the y k of Canad Marc Dige nd the y n r de C mo aming k andads nd pof the radi edition of Amercn p D Mch pertwi wh emotial h a benfl Futot and r ar fwy Vlane "N Boye Te Go B d ags, He Podd and diveed by world ed Tr M W d of d l a M ed GREATER HAZLETON CONCERT SERIES, INC ay be je te dang-dheck your ticke for eat dates ie) NOW CELEBRATING OUR 84TH YEAR 1935 2019 Adalts $100.00 Students College ID $50.00 Family $225.00 President Vice President Campaign Chairperson Cynthia Carrier (570) 579-7110 Dr. David P. Orbin (570) 788-1025 Aela Bergeron (570) 788-4864 All concerts held at 7:30 p.m. at Hazleton Area High School 1601 W. 23rd Street, Hazleton, PA 18202 (unless otherwise indicated) www.hazletonconcertseries.org For More Information Call Amelia at 570-788-4864 or 570-579-7110 (Dates may be subject to change check your ticket for exact dates & times) Our 84th Year NEW MEMBER Name RENEWAL MEMER MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION FOR 000 d&Cllw 0 Addr Ciry Phone Stae Zip 1935 2019 El Adults-$100.00 CERCE Y ONR TO M NMRCANaTBASNONT8eb diviCo w Students &Colege ID-$50.00 th ACDOUNT FOR A Mis C d Family-$225.00 All concerts beld 7.30pm Haelan Area High School W Strt Maetor, P Mke EARLEN CUNCERT SERS N zEPA errie ro www.haetonconcertseries.ong 2019 2020 Series Celebrating 84 Years! GREATER HAZLETON CONCERT SERIES 2019-2020 Inc. THE FOUR ITALIAN TENORS Thurdas October 1a, 2019 D lThe n T perf ar anddg ofll g fwd and p he dac wih pm re dac hrir oe n be style Fng y drm tic ng ana rcatyl THE TEMPTATIONS REVIEW with Nate Evans Wdday Sept. 18, 2019 er & m ly d d al avhe h G TeW SIBERIAN STATE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Thuday, Februry 13 2020 nded is 197, he Se py ofai ks t f the US Te onchet cng fe Ra nd ale wak Condcted by mn V ie Landw e the wld aof the bee THE NATIONAL DANCE COMPANY OF SIBERIA Wedseday, Noey 20 2019 Sherin e Symp Lande be i msk decu and tor S and COOC Heords fo e asingn loits Chanber on hakky pgra dedi e N DCompany of Sher hw wldide wh thetr o and epn traon Fok nd vi rms the rmkable unp nd pts y de gem of detub in g fed ptod Ner l nd 0 danc Athntic cst odd THE DOOWO PROIECT Tunday March 24 2020 heg h th begiing igt of W e da dofspm singng SYNCO ROMANTICO Tday Apri 2, 20 Feteing the y k of Canad Marc Dige nd the y n r de C mo aming k andads nd pof the radi edition of Amercn p D Mch pertwi wh emotial h a benfl Futot and r ar fwy Vlane "N Boye Te Go B d ags, He Podd and diveed by world ed Tr M W d of d l a M ed GREATER HAZLETON CONCERT SERIES, INC ay be je te dang-dheck your ticke for eat dates ie) NOW CELEBRATING OUR 84TH YEAR 1935 2019 Adalts $100.00 Students College ID $50.00 Family $225.00 President Vice President Campaign Chairperson Cynthia Carrier (570) 579-7110 Dr. David P. Orbin (570) 788-1025 Aela Bergeron (570) 788-4864 All concerts held at 7:30 p.m. at Hazleton Area High School 1601 W. 23rd Street, Hazleton, PA 18202 (unless otherwise indicated) www.hazletonconcertseries.org For More Information Call Amelia at 570-788-4864 or 570-579-7110 (Dates may be subject to change check your ticket for exact dates & times) Our 84th Year NEW MEMBER Name RENEWAL MEMER MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION FOR 000 d&Cllw 0 Addr Ciry Phone Stae Zip 1935 2019 El Adults-$100.00 CERCE Y ONR TO M NMRCANaTBASNONT8eb diviCo w Students &Colege ID-$50.00 th ACDOUNT FOR A Mis C d Family-$225.00 All concerts beld 7.30pm Haelan Area High School W Strt Maetor, P Mke EARLEN CUNCERT SERS N zEPA errie ro www.haetonconcertseries.ong 2019 2020 Series