Royal Buffet Hibachi Sushi Buffet Asian & American Cuisine Open Thanksgioing Day cu Traditional Thanksgiving Day Menu Turkey Mashed Potatoes . Sweet Potatoes Stuffing Cranberry Sauce . Pumpkin Pie Plus Oysters, Snow Crab, Seafood & More . Over 230 Items! . 10% Senior Discount 10% off with Student ID .10% off with Military ID . Gift Cards Available FREE WI-FI 10% OFF 10% OFF Royal Buffet Royal Buffet Royal Buffet Dickson Gity 483-4285 Royal Buffet Dickson City 483-4285 Only with this coupon. Not volid with any other offer. Oly with this coupon. Not volid with any other offer Coupon limit 1 per toble. Dine in only Valid lunch and Dinner Offer expires 12/18/18. Coupon not valid on Holidays. Coupon limit 1 per table. Dine in only Valid lunch and Dinner Offer expires 12/18/18 Coupon not valid on Holidoys. 10% OFF 10% OFF Royal Buffet Royal Buffet Royal Buffet Dickson Gity 483-4285 Royal Buffet Dickson Gity 483-4285 Only with this coupon. Not volid with any other offer Only with this coupon. Not valid with any other ofer Coupon limit 1 per toble. Dine in only Valid lunch and Dinner Offer expires 12/18/18. Coupon not valid on Holidays Coupon limit 1 per table. Dine in only Valid lunch and Dinner Offer expires 12/18/18 Coupon not valid on Holidays. Hibachi, Sushi, & Grill Included 821 Commerce Blvd., Dickson City . 483-4285